Improved Biomass Energy Technologies (BET)

Business Model Description
Invest in or project financing for improved (Biomass Energy Technologies - BETs) for thermal energy applications in the MSME sector and institutions. The technologies under consideration are improved solid biofuel fired Air dryers and Hot water boilers. Processed biofuels include Wood chips, Pellets, and Briquettes.
There are a number of private sector companies involved in supplying solid biofuel-fired air dryers, furnaces and hot water boilers with different capacities and for a wide range of applications. Design and development of Biomass Energy Technologies (BETs) are also performed by R&D institutes, including universities. National Engineering Research and Development Centre (NERDC) is the lead agency. Examples of companies active in the IOA space:
Spectra Industries Lanka (Pvt) Ltd: This company was founded in 1983 and manufactures small scale biomass energy conversion devices for thermal applications, including cook-stoves and hot water boilers. Biofuel fired hot water boiler is one of the main products manufactured. The cost of a water boiler is around USD 2,850/unit (9).
Saviru Technologies & Services: This company is in operation for the last 15 years, providing food and agro-product drying technologies with processing capacities from 5 to 5,000 kg. The principle technology is an innovative downdraft fuelwood combustion technology with a heat-exchanger. The heat capacity of the driers typically ranges from 30 to 80 kWth (Kilowatt Thermal), with a selling price of USD 3,000 to 8,000/unit (10).
Enerfab (Pvt) Ltd (EnerFab) was founded in 2005. The main focus of this company is RE technologies such as biomass thermal gasifiers, biomass electricity generation, solar and recycling energy (11).
National Engineering Research and Development Centre (NERDC) of Sri Lanka: NERDC was established in 1974. It has developed several improved BETs and has commercialized through private industrial partners. These BETs include Bakery Oven, Wood Gas Stove, Efficient Biomass Combustion System for Tea Industry, Biomass Rice Cooker, Industrial Stove, Smoked Fish Processing Unit, etc.(12).
Expected Impact
Deployment of Improved BETs in MSMEs and institutions, utilizing biofuels to replace imported fossil fuels and conventional biomass, for energy security and sustainability
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Country & Regions
- Sri Lanka: Western Province
- Sri Lanka: Southern Province
- Sri Lanka: Central Province
- Sri Lanka: Uva Province
- Sri Lanka: Sabaragamuwa Province
Sector Classification
Renewable Resources and Alternative Energy
Development need
Sri Lanka's dependence on imported fossil fuels is a critical challenge for economic development given the adverse impact on energy security and the environment. Over 20% of the thermal energy is catered to by imported fossil fuels (5) and can be replaced by biomass as a low cost sustainable option. In addition it will help achieve 2050 carbon neutrality targets.
Policy priority
National Energy Policy & Strategies 2019 emphasizes assuring energy security; enhancing self-reliance, caring for the environment, and enhancing the share of indigenous RE forms of energy. Thus, the policy seeks to reduce the country's dependence on fossil fuels, that are 100% imported, while addressing adverse environmental impacts including climate change (2).
Gender inequalities and marginalization issues
Lack of access to modern energy services and technologies is a concern, which are crucial to women’s opportunities to engage in economic activities, reduce drudgery of household work and overll quality of life. Livelihoods dependent on Agriculture and other income generation activities would also benefit from better access to modern energy and technologies including RE (3).
Example; In 2016, the modern biomass dryer was provided for fish drying businesses in Tangalle and have cut short their production hours from ten to four hours a day and increased their production from 200 kgs to 800 kgs per month. It has also increased the living standards of these women working in the organization. It is a fine depiction of women entrepreneurship which has to be encouraged
Investment opportunities introduction
Ample availability of RE resources (Biomass resource map identify 92,600 ha)(1) and the need for the use of alternative, sustainable and indigenous energy sources provides investment opportunities across many end-use energy sectors (232,000 MSMEs in the manufacturing sector) (14). Further, demand for energy services is growing with the economic development.
Key bottlenecks introduction
As Sri Lanka is highly dependent on fossil fuels, the country faces a wide spectrum of challenges in the transition towards RE related to Capital and investment primarily related to Institutions and governance, Infrastructure and innovative business environment, Human capital and consumer participation (4).
Alternative Energy
Development need
Biomass is the main source of thermal energy, contributing to 74.4% of the energy demand in industry and 57.2% of the household & commercial sector (5). It is only low cost thermal energy source for MSMEs and institutions. 232,000 MSMEs in manufacturing (14). Thus deployment of improved and efficient Biomass Energy Technologies (BETs) and processed biofuels could contributes to the economic development.
Policy priority
National Energy Policy 2019 - The policy underlines that RE resources will be exploited based on a priority order arrived at, considering economics, technology and quality of each resource. It specifically mentions that commercial availability of biomass and biomass-based fuel products will be encouraged for utilisation in industrial thermal applications (2).
Gender inequalities and marginalization issues
Biomass is commonly associated with the women’s responsibility to fetch firewood as part of the household chores and obligations. The demands of women resulting from continuous reliance on fuelwood have received little attention. RE technologies such as decentralized energy development are areas that need more exploration (6).
Investment opportunities introduction
BET deployment in MSMEs and Institutions (such as Air Dryers and Hot Water Boilers) provides opportunities for commercial investment for biofuel suppliers and BET companies(10 companies and 200 potters) with provision of building a larger local market.
Key bottlenecks introduction
The forest product transport regulations limits the supply of fuelwood for facilities to produce adequate biofuels for industry. Uncertainties in both fossil fuel and fuelwood prices make it difficult for companies to get involved in the biomass supply chain. Another gap is limited data availability due to informal nature of sector limiting capabilities of businesses
Pipeline Opportunity
Improved Biomass Energy Technologies (BET)
Invest in or project financing for improved (Biomass Energy Technologies - BETs) for thermal energy applications in the MSME sector and institutions. The technologies under consideration are improved solid biofuel fired Air dryers and Hot water boilers. Processed biofuels include Wood chips, Pellets, and Briquettes.
There are a number of private sector companies involved in supplying solid biofuel-fired air dryers, furnaces and hot water boilers with different capacities and for a wide range of applications. Design and development of Biomass Energy Technologies (BETs) are also performed by R&D institutes, including universities. National Engineering Research and Development Centre (NERDC) is the lead agency. Examples of companies active in the IOA space:
Spectra Industries Lanka (Pvt) Ltd: This company was founded in 1983 and manufactures small scale biomass energy conversion devices for thermal applications, including cook-stoves and hot water boilers. Biofuel fired hot water boiler is one of the main products manufactured. The cost of a water boiler is around USD 2,850/unit (9).
Saviru Technologies & Services: This company is in operation for the last 15 years, providing food and agro-product drying technologies with processing capacities from 5 to 5,000 kg. The principle technology is an innovative downdraft fuelwood combustion technology with a heat-exchanger. The heat capacity of the driers typically ranges from 30 to 80 kWth (Kilowatt Thermal), with a selling price of USD 3,000 to 8,000/unit (10).
Enerfab (Pvt) Ltd (EnerFab) was founded in 2005. The main focus of this company is RE technologies such as biomass thermal gasifiers, biomass electricity generation, solar and recycling energy (11).
National Engineering Research and Development Centre (NERDC) of Sri Lanka: NERDC was established in 1974. It has developed several improved BETs and has commercialized through private industrial partners. These BETs include Bakery Oven, Wood Gas Stove, Efficient Biomass Combustion System for Tea Industry, Biomass Rice Cooker, Industrial Stove, Smoked Fish Processing Unit, etc.(12).
Business Case
Market Size and Environment
< USD 50 million
> 25%
3,000 air-driers for food processing and 1,000 hot-water boilers for institutions and businesses
National Energy Policy and Strategy directs SLSEA to doubles the commercial supply of biofuel products to reach one million tonne per year for using industrial thermal applications and households (2). Thus, there is a huge market for BETs in industry. 300 t/day of biofuel produced in Biomass Terminals could cater for the 3,000 air-driers and 1,000 hot-water boiler.
One strategy proposed under the theme of Greening Industries in the National Environment Action Plan 2022-2030 is the promotion of the use of sustainable biomass energy and improvement in user efficiency. Two of the activities proposed therein are to convert fossil fuel to biomass in (a) industrial boilers, and (b) hot water heaters in institutions (13).
There are about 232,000 MSMEs in the manufacturing sector (14), having considerable potential for switching from fossil fuel or electricity to biomass for thermal energy applications (2). The air-driers (dehydrators/air-heaters) of average capacity 40 kWth (12 kg of biofuel/hr) and the hot-water boilers of average capacity 12 kWth (3.6 kg of biofuel/hr) are common technologies in demand (9), (10).
Indicative Return
20% - 25%
Total investment for manufacture of 3,000 air-driers & 1,000 hot-water boilers over a 10-year period with an average production cost of 2,975 USD/unit & 2,950 USD/unit, respectively, is USD 11.5 million. Based on the cost and selling price of existing businesses yield 24.4% IRR.
.Revenue per hot water boiler is USD 450, dryer USD 525. Total revenue for 1000 hotwater boilers and 3000 dryers lead to USD 2.025 mn over 10 year period. For hotwater boiler, the cost is USD 2550 and selling price is USD 3000. For the dryer, the cost is USD 2975 and selling price is USD 3500 (9) (10)
Investment Timeframe
Medium Term (5–10 years)
Although the operational cost of biofuel fired systems is much less, the initial cost of improved BETs are relatively high. Thus, the profit margin needs to be at a reasonably lower value. This leads to a medium term investment timeframe.
Switching to improved BETs for thermal energy applications in MSMEs and Institutions would be gradual due to capacity limitations including the required behavioral shifts, incentives to do so and other market constraints such as supply chain and access to finance. Hence, a medium term timeframe is justified for investments in this space.
Improved BETs require better quality processed biofuels (such as pellets and charcoal) for optimum operational performances. The availability of processed biofuels is limited at present due to a low demand. However, improved quality of BETs can potentially help the market grow using evidence of efficient biofuel deployment and usage. Due to these dynamics, a medium term timeframe is justified for investments in this space.
Ticket Size
USD 1 million - USD 10 million
Market Risks & Scale Obstacles
Business - Supply Chain Constraints
Market - Highly Regulated
Uncertain and Informal
Impact Case
Sustainable Development Need
Energy security is a concern. Over 20% of the thermal energy demand in industry is catered by imported fossil fuels (5), while sustainable supply of biomass, which is the main source of thermal energy, is a challenge since it is largely fragmented (15).
Limited access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all is a concern. This is further affected by the present economic crisis. Specifically, MSMEs, other industries and commercial establishments depend heavily on conventional biofuels & technologies (7), (15), (21),(22).
The energy sector impacts environmental sustainability, including the prevailing global climate crisis which is an urgent concern. Interventions are required to safeguard local environment as well as to mitigate global climate change (25) (26).
Gender & Marginalisation
Limited access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, clean and efficient energy solutions particularly affects entrepreneurs that are women and from socially and economically marginalized communities, to survive in competitive business environment and to improve their economic output.
Use of conventional biomass fuels and inefficient Biomass Energy Technologies (BETs) exposes the employees to an unhealthy and unsafe environment, particularly women and marginalized groups who are relegated to direct exposure to such energy deployments thereby preventing access to decent work.
Limited universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services is a key barrier for women’s engagement with small-scale entrepreneurial activities that could improve the livelihoods of their families (26).
Expected Development Outcome
Biofuel based improved BETs could replace fossil fuel technologies to reduce import dependency and enhance energy security, while mitigating GHG emissions (5), (25).
Biofuel based improved BETs could replace conventional biomass and inefficient stoves to improve indoor air quality and reduce health impacts.
Large scale deployment of improved BETs will create new business opportunities in both the devices and biofuel supply chains, support innovations, while generating more employments.
Gender & Marginalisation
Use of modern biofuels and improved BETs will provide benefits for entrepreneurial women and marginalized communities to prosper their businesses and improve livelihood (26). Eg: nine women whose business was selling dried fish, were provided with dryers. This increased production and quality (33)
Utilization of improved biofuels and efficient BETs will improve occupational health and safety in the industry (agro processing MSMEs), which will be beneficial for women and marginalized communities employed. Given that a large proportion of women are employed in agriculture
Primary SDGs addressed

7.2.1 Renewable energy share in the total final energy consumption
7.3.1 Energy intensity measured in terms of primary energy and GDP
RE share in the total final energy consumption was 46.2% in 2019, in which 41.9% from biomass (thermal) and 4.3% from renewable electricity (hydro, wind, solar and biomass) (5).
RE share in the total final energy consumption was 46.2% in 2019, in which 41.9% from biomass (thermal) and 4.3% from renewable electricity (hydro, wind, solar and biomass) (5).
No specific target for RE share in the final energy consumption. However, there is a target for electricity sector to increase renewable energy mix to 70% by 2030 (24). In 2019, this was 34.47% (27). This IOA will contributes to addition of 300 t/day of sustainable and renewable biofuel into the industry sector, by replacing fossil fuels,
Secondary SDGs addressed

Directly impacted stakeholders
Gender inequality and/or marginalization
Public sector
Indirectly impacted stakeholders
Gender inequality and/or marginalization
Outcome Risks
There could be regulatory barriers in relation to transportation and storage of fuelwood, affecting the supply of an assured volume of the biofuels needed for the manufacturing of BETs.
The standard price formula to determine the cost of fuel rationally is not available. This unpredictable cost variations in biofuels as well as fossil fuels will affect the financial viability.
The lack of data and information due to the informal nature of the biomass energy sector may hinder the propose planning and risk mitigation of the business (28).
Gender inequality and/or marginalization risk: Relatively high cost of improved BETs and processed biomass fuel may hinder the adoption by women and marginalized communities for their businesses.
Impact Risks
Anticipated fuel switching critically depends on relative cost difference between energy sources. The fossil fuel subsidies may affect the financial feasibility, discouraging consumer acceptance and therefore the required behavior shifts to biofuels.
Failure to provide access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy (biofuels) for industries, particularly MSMEs will hinder socio-economic development.
Failure in biofuel industry will have a significant impact on achieving climate targets that Sri Lanka has set out for itself. As set out in NDC targets and national climate change policy (2003)
Gender inequality and/or marginalization risk: Failure in biofuel industry will hinder empowerment of women & marginalized groups for national development, and improving livelihoods.
Impact Classification
Improved BETs assist production of biofuels to replace fossils in ensuring energy security & environment sustainability, while empowering women/marginalized groups.
Local biofuel users (particularly MSMEs and rural households), local entrepreneurs involved with BETs and supply chain and associated government entities and plantation companies
Regulatory barriers for transport & storage of fuelwood, financing gaps, price volatilities, data gaps and lack of capacities and skills required for the manufacturing and distribution of BETs may cause execution risks.
Reduce industrial air pollution; reduce dependency on imported fossil fuels; and mitigate GHG emissions. About 232,000 MSMEs potential for switching to biomass applications.
How Much
Deployment of 3,000 Air driers and 1,000 Hot water boilers utilizing 300 t/day biofuels with an investment of USD 12.5 million
Impact Thesis
Deployment of Improved BETs in MSMEs and institutions, utilizing biofuels to replace imported fossil fuels and conventional biomass, for energy security and sustainability
Enabling Environment
Policy Environment
National Energy Policy and Strategies (2019): While promoting processed biomass as a fuel source, the policy provides the necessary space for establishing key manufacturing industries supplying sustainable energy technologies to the local market (2).
National Climate Change Policy (2003): It refers energy sector through GHG mitigation, where the emphasis is given to (i) explore the potential of clean and RE sources and enhance their production, accessibility and affordability; (ii) economic incentives for less carbon intensive fuels (29).
National Energy Policy and Strategies (2019): commercial availability of Biofuels will be encouraged for utilisation in industrial or thermal applications given as an directive for SLSEA
Financial Environment
Though the National Energy Policy & Strategies 2019 states that innovative financing schemes and financial instruments will be introduced to encourage RE development, so far no specific financial incentives have been developed for biofuels or BETs (2).
Sri Lanka Green Finance Taxonomy (2022): It facilitates the disclosure of taxonomy-aligned activities and the offering of green finance products, by market participants including local financial institutions and large corporations. It covers production of biomass energy utilization equipment (32).
Regulatory Environment
National Environmental (Protection and Quality) Regulations No. 1 of 2008: According to this regulation (and subsequent amendments), no person shall, discharge, deposit or emit waste into the environment or carry on any prescribed activity that cause or are likely to cause pollution (30).
SLSEA Act No. 35 of 2007: This provides mandate for SLSEA to identify and manage appropriate RE conversion technologies (including BETs), conversion and utilization norms and practices including the preparation, maintenance and updating of an inventory of technologies with performance data (31).
Marketplace Participants
Private Sector
Manufacturing of BETs will be done by private companies such as Spectra Industries Lanka (Pvt) Ltd, Saviru Technologies & Services, Enerfab (Pvt) Ltd
Forest Department, Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka, Coconut and Cultivation Board, as fuelwood suppliers for biofuel production; Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority and National Engineering Research and Development Centre
UNDP, FAO, UNIDO for technical and financial assistances.
In the upstream supply chain, Organizations (NGO) and Community-Based Organizations (CBO) as fuelwood growers, collectors and suppliers for biofuel production to cater for BETs.
Public-Private Partnership
Multi-stakeholder partnerships among Government (FD, RRISL, CCB), Private sector RPCs and Local communities/CSOs with resource mobilization and cost/profit sharing for the supply of fuelwood for production of biofuels for BETs at the Biomass Terminals,.
Target Locations

Sri Lanka: Western Province
Sri Lanka: Southern Province
Sri Lanka: Central Province
Sri Lanka: Uva Province
Sri Lanka: Sabaragamuwa Province
- (1) Renewable Energy Resource Development Plan 2021-2026 (Draft)
- (2) National Energy Policy and Strategies of Sri Lanka (August 2019), Ministry of Power, Energy and Business Development, Government of Sri Lanka. Web link: "
- (3) ADB (July 2016), Sri Lanka: Gender Equality Diagnostic of Selected Sectors, Asian Development Bank (ADB) "4) WEF (April 2021), Fostering Effective Energy Transition 2021 edition, Insight Report, World Economic Forum (WEF). "
- (5) SLSEA (2021), Sri Lanka Energy Balance 2019, Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority (SLSEA),
- (6) A. Wickramasinghe (2009), Gender and Energy in Sri Lanka: A Brief Analysis of the Situation.
- (7) S.S. Punchihewaa, C. Chandrakumar, and A.K. Kulatungaa (2016), Adaptation of Biomass Based Thermal Energy Generation of Sri Lankan Manufacturing Sector: Paragon for Policy Development, 13th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing - Decoupling Growth from Resource Use, Procedia CIRP, Volume 40, pp. 56-61,
- (8) UNEP (June 2013), Technologies for Converting Waste Agricultural Biomass to Energy, Compiled by United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), Division of Technology, Industry and Economics International Environmental Technology Centre (DTIE-IETC),
- (9) Spectra Industries Lanka - Pvt Ltd,
- (10) Saviru Technologies & Services,
- (11) Enerfab (Pvt) Ltd,
- (12) National Engineering Research and Development Centre of Sri Lanka,
- (13) National Environment Action Plan (NEAP) 2022-2030 (July 2022), Ministry Environment, Government of Sri Lanka, ISBN 978-624-5817-24-5,
- (14) Department of Census and Statistics (November 2017), Economic Census 2013/14, Final Report on InformalNon Agricultural Activities,
- (15) P.G. Joseph (January 2011), Market and Economic Study of the Biomass Energy Sector in Sri Lanka, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO),
- (16) UNDP (2013), Promoting Sustainable Biomass Energy Production and Modern Bio-Energy Technologies. GEF Project Document,
- (17) N. Musafer, Biomass energy policy perspectives of Sri Lanka: A review, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 10, Issue 12, pp. 674-681, December 2020, ISSN 2250-3153
- (18) PISCES (June 2009), Policies and Regulations Affecting Biomass-Related Energy Sector Development in Sri Lanka, PISCES Policy Brief No. 3,
- (19) UNDP (October 2018), Model Fuelwood Plantations for Sustainable Energy Supply and Livelihood Development, ISBN 978-955-1476-24-3, file:///C:/Users/HP/Downloads/UNDPLKA_Biomass-Phase-I-Fuelwood-Plantation.pdf
- (20) UNDP (January 2018), Across the nation, Promoting sustainable biomass energy Production and Modern Bio-Energy Technologies. ISBN 978-955 1478-19-9
- (21) Jasinghe, A. (2022), A low-carbon industrial sector will pay dividends for Sri Lanka’s economy and the planet, 16.06.2022 Press and information team of the Delegation to Sri Lanka & Maldives, Opinion editorial,
- (22) A. Ethirajan (January 2022), How the soaring cost of living is hitting Sri Lankans hard, BBC News, Colombo,
- (23) National Environment Action Plan (NEAP) 2022-2030 (July 2022), Ministry Environment, Government of Sri Lanka, ISBN 978-624-5817-24-5,
- (24) GoSL (September 2021), Updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL),
- (25) IEA (2007), Good Practice Guidelines, Bioenergy Project Development & Biomass Supply, International Energy Agency (IEA),
- (26) FAO in Sri Lanka (August 2018), From Impoverished to Empowered. Sri Lankan Women Adopt Modern Biomass Technologies, "27) SDC (December, 2021), Sri Lanka: Status of SDG Indicators and Baseline Data, Sustainable Development Council of Sri Lanka (SDC), December 2021, "
- (28) IRENA (June 2013), Statistical issues: bioenergy and distributed renewable energy, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA),
- (29) GoSL (2003), The National Climate Change Policy of Sri Lanka, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, The Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL),
- (30) GoSL (2008), National Environmental (Protection and Quality) Regulations, No. 1 of 2008, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL),
- (31) Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority (SLSEA) Act No. 35 of 2007,
- (32) CBSL (May 2022), Sri Lanka Green Finance Taxonomy, Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL),